Monday, we’re talking about Fredrick Douglass, escaped slave, educator, and orator. Historian David Blight says that words were his only weapon, and he used his voice to explain the human condition.

Monday, we’re talking about the life and work of Fredrick Douglass, escaped slave, abolitionist, educator, diplomat, and orator. Our guest is Yale historian David Blight, who has spent some 35 years studying the man. Blight says that Douglass’ words were his only weapon, and he used his voice to explain not only race in America, but the human condition more broadly. Blight has written a new book that focuses on the last third of Douglass’ life. It’s called Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom.
David Blight is a Professor of American History at Yale University. His new book is called Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom [Indie bookstores|Amazon|Audible]