Four years ago, the award-winning poet Craig Arnold went missing in Japan. Few clues were ever found, leaving his family and his longtime partner, the poet Rebecca Lindenberg, to conclude the worst. Lindenberg has written a book of poetry, an extended elegy really, to Arnold. As poets, words and conversation united Arnold and Lindenberg, and she says that writing the poems in her new book helped her both continue the conversation and let it go. Friday, Lindenberg joins us to talk about her poems and the man they memorialize. (Rebroadcast)
- Rebecca Lindenberg is an adjunct professor of English Literature at Utah State University. Her new book of poetry is called Love, An Index. It's the first title in McSweeney's new poetry series.
Read an excerpt from the title poem in Rebecca Lindenberg's new book Love, An Index. (Thanks to the litmag Conjunctions).
An extended essay on Craig Arnold's disappearance, written by Christopher Blasdel, is in the book My Postwar Life: New Writings from Japan and Okinawa (Chicago Quarterly Review Books).
Read some poems by Craig Arnold. (Thanks to the Poetry Foundation).