Back in 1979, local filmmaker Trent Harris documented a strange series of events. It started when he met “Groovin’ Gary,” who led him to a talent show in Beaver, which inspired him to make three films. The Beaver Trilogy became a cult classic, and questions have surrounded it since its release. Just who was “Groovin’ Gary,” and what happened to him after the talent show? In a new film, director Brad Besser investigates the mystery behind The Beaver Trilogy. He joins us Thursday to talk about it.
Join us for a free screening of Beaver Trilogy Part IV on Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00 p.m., at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center [map]. Doug Fabrizio will host a post-film Q&A with Brad Besser and Trent Harris. It’s part of our Through the Lens series in partnership with Utah Film Center. RSVP to the event via Facebook | DETAILS
Trent Harris' Plan 10 From Outer Space has been remastered for the 20th anniversary. It's opening at the Salt Lake Film Society's Tower Theatre on March 11th. | Details
- Brad Besser directed the documentary film Beaver Trilogy Part IV, which premiered at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival.