Fact: Dessert is a frivolous indulgence that can even be harmful in excess. But that's what makes it interesting, says the writer Michael Krondl. As he tells it, dessert's nutritional irrelevance means it's a cultural phenomenon, one rooted in basically the same human desire for sweetness that built the Taj Mahal or brought us Chanel and Mickey Mouse. On Monday, Krondl chats with Doug about the pleasures of dessert around the globe and how the most unnecessary meal course reflects our humanity.
Follow Michael Krondl's culinary and confectionery adventure on his blog Sweetspot.
Books and music from today's RadioWest:
- Michael Krondl, Sweet Invention: A History of Dessert
- "The Sweetest Thing (Mahogany Mix)" by The Fugees.
- "Virus" by Björk from the album Biophilia
- "Victory" by Sigur Ros from the album Inní
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