In his book Far From the Tree, the writer Andrew Solomon tells the stories of children whose profound differences -- dwarfism, schizophrenia, Down syndrome, genius, and others -- have made them the subjects of intense prejudice. He also writes about the families who often have to profoundly rearrange their lives around the life of a child who alter their view of the world. At its heart, Solomon's book contends with the readiness to conflate "illness" with "identity." Andrew Solomon will be in Utah this Monday, so we're taking the opportunity to rebroadcast our conversation with him. (Rebroadcast)
On Monday, November 4, Andrew Solomon will give the Tanner Lecture on Human Values. It's hosted by the Tanner Humanities Center at the University of Utah. The free lecture will be at the University Union Ballroom. It begins at 7:00 p.m., but plan on arriving early for seats. More information