Philosopher Alain de Botton gets his news the way many of us do these days: in bed, in the bath, in the car, at a desk. "News" is a force so powerful that de Botton says it's like a religion. It shapes our worldview, forms our ideas of right and wrong, and when we ignore it, we risk a sort of heresy. De Botton has written a book he calls a user's manual for the news and Tuesday, he joins Doug for a conversation about what the news is, how it affects our lives and what it could one day be.
Alain de Botton's books include How Proust Can Change Your Life [Amazon|Indiebound] and The Architecture of Happiness [Amazon|Indiebound]. His latest is called The News: A User's Manual [Amazon|Indiebound].
Visit The Philosopher's Mail, de Botton's own take on the daily news.