We continue our series on documentary film in January with a bizarre tale of murder in small-town America. Dave Jannetta’s film “Love and Terror on the Howling Plains of Nowhere” explores the mysterious and grisly death of a brilliant but aloof mathematician at the local college in quaint Chadron, Nebraska. The offbeat film is part character study, part tragicomedy, and it’s told through the eyes of writer Poe Ballantine, who wrote a memoir about the case. He and Jannetta will join us Monday.
On Wednesday, January 7, RadioWest and the Utah Film Center are screening Love & Terror on the Howling Plains of Nowhere at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center in Salt Lake City at 7 p.m. It's part of our Through the Lens film series. Doug Fabrizio will host a Q&A with Poe Ballantine and filmmaker Dave Jannetta following the screening. The event is free and open to the public.
There are additional screenings on Thursday, January 15 at the Viridian Center in West Jordan and on Saturday, January 17 in Price, Utah.
You can get the details for all of these screenings at UtahFilmCenter.org
The film is based on Poe Ballantine's book Love & Terror on the Howling Plains of Nowhere [Indiebound|Amazon]