The year was 1944. Walking home from church one night, Recy Taylor, a black woman, was raped by six white men. Taylor’s story is the subject of a new documentary film that sheds light on a dark period in American history and the activism it spawned.

Filmmaker Nancy Buirski’s new documentary film tells the story of Recy Taylor, a young black mother and wife, who was gang raped by six white boys in Alabama in 1944. Rather than keep quiet, Taylor bravely identified her rapists. Buirski’s film is also about Rosa Parks. Before her famous bus boycott, Parks investigated Taylor’s story and triggered an unprecedented outcry for justice. Buirski joins us Wednesday to explore Taylor’s story and the advocacy efforts it sparked.
On Wednesday, February 7th, RadioWest and the Utah Film Center will present a free screening of Nancy Buirski's film The Rape of Recy Taylor as part of our Through the Lens series. It's at 7:00 p.m. at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center in downtown Salt Lake City. Susan Margolin, one of the producers of Buirski's film, will be there for a Q&A after the screening. Seating is limited, so get there early. You can get more information, and invite your friends, through our Facebook event.