Nature writer Gary Ferguson was canoeing with his wife when they capsized, and she died in the accident. He joins us to talk about spreading her ashes across 5 wild places and finding grace in nature.

Thursday, nature writer Gary Ferguson shares his story of rediscovering life and joy after a deeply personal tragedy. In 2005, he and his wife Jane were canoeing the rapids of the Kopka River in Canada, when they crashed into a rock and capsized. Jane died in that accident, but she had left Gary with a request to spread her ashes across 5 wild places she loved. Gary Ferguson joins us to talk about the grace he found in the wilderness. (Rebroadcast)
Gary Ferguson's book is called The Carry Home: Lessons From the American Wilderness[Indie bookstores|Amazon|Audible]. He's also the author of Land on Fire: The New Reality of Wildfire in the West. He joined us last year to talk about it.