Friday, we're talking about the Wright family of ranchers and championship buckle-winning bronc riders in central Utah. They're working to keep a foot in the West’s past while trying to navigate its new realities.

Friday, we’re talking about a family of ranchers and rodeo cowboys in central Utah. But the Wrights aren’t just any rural family. The sons and grandsons of patriarch Bill Wright are some of the best saddle bronc riders in the country, with the championship buckles to prove it. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist John Branch has written a book about the Wright family. It’s a narrative tale that explores the challenges of keeping a foot in the West’s past while trying to navigate its new realities.
John Branch is a reporter for the New York Times. His story "Snow Fall" about a deadly avalanche in Washington State won the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for feature writing. His new book is called The Last Cowboys [Indie bookstores|Amazon|Audible].