These days, you might type ideas into the Notes app. But that’s just a testament to the importance of history’s real creative titan: the humble notebook.
John Curtis took his place in the United State Senate on January 3 of this year. He’s joining us to talk about his life in politics and his vision for Utah and the nation.
With the new year comes a new legislative session — and a new tone.
The Netflix mini-series “American Primeval” depicts the Utah War with extreme brutality. It’s also raising questions about historical accuracy.
Sports journalist Joe Posnanski is a diehard baseball fan, but deep down, he knows what Americans really love: football on Sundays.
Last week, we talked about new reporting on Great Salt Lake that raised questions about the lake’s decline. The claim? Climate change, more than overuse, is to blame.
In 2021, Jeffrey Holland, an apostle for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, suggested it would be better for Brigham Young University to lose accreditation than compromise its spiritual mission. Today, BYU’s Commissioner of Education is holding professors to higher spiritual standards.
In January of 2023, Brigham Young University released a dire report about the Great Salt Lake. The biggest takeaway? The lake will be gone in five years. Then, a major snowfall hit the state, we had a record-breaking winter and Governor Cox called the report a joke.
History is full of white explorers “discovering” the Americas. But there are stories that flow the other way, too, of Indigenous people who also “discovered” a new land — Europe.
If you’ve ever wanted to share a room with two great actors talking about Shakespeare, here’s your chance — with Dame Judi Dench and Brendan O’Hea.