The poet and journalist Melissa Bond had terrible insomnia. Her doctor prescribed Ativan, a benzodiazepine. Then her life fell apart.
The poet and journalist Melissa Bond had terrible insomnia. Her doctor prescribed Ativan, a benzodiazepine. Then her life fell apart.
In a new book, science writer Thomas Hager recounts the fascinating backstories of ten drugs that have changed the way we live. Behind the search for new…
Utah writer Matthew LaPlante is with us to talk about the world's biggest, tiniest and deadliest creatures. He says they survived the process of…
Friday, we're talking about success. The network scientist Albert-Laszlo Barabasi says he has figured out a quantifiable formula that explains why some…
Tuesday, science writer Carl Zimmer joins us to talk about the power of heredity. The traits we share with our parents or kids, how does that work…
In a controversial new book, Alex Berenson aims to torpedo a lot of what we think we know about marijuana. He says it isn’t the panacea we’ve been led to…
Neuroscientist Joseph Jebelli became interested in Alzheimer’s disease as he watched his own grandfather go through it. There’s a good chance it’s touched…
The writer Michael Pollan is with us to talk about his book on psychedelics. It’s about their potential to heal mental illnesses, and to explore the…
Science writer Brian Switek says human bones are often a symbol of death, but they also represent deep truths about who we are. His latest book is a…
Monday, we're talking about this strange mix in human nature of virtue and violence. The anthropologist Richard Wrangham is fascinated by how and why…
Wednesday, we're talking about success. The network scientist Albert-Laszlo Barabasi says he has figured out an actual, quantifiable formula that explains…