Every winter when gunk gets trapped in Utah's valleys, residents ask what we can do about our air. In a recent Salt Lake Tribune op-ed, activist Brian Moench pointed to the unlikely environmental example of Mexico City. Once known as "Mexsicko City," radical measures like moving a refinery and imposing driving restrictions have cut the city's pollution in half. Thursday, Doug is joined by Moench and by researchers Kerry Kelly and Randy Martin for a look at cities that could offer solutions for Utah's bad air.
- Brian Moench is president of Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment and a member of the Union of Concerned Scientists. On January 25 at noon, he and others will host what they're touting as the largest clean air rally in Utah's history. Get details on Clean Air, No Excuses
- Kerry Kelly is Associate Director of the University of Utah's Program for Air Quality, Health, and Society and a research associate in Chemical Engineering. Kelly also serves on the Utah Air Quality Board
- Randy Martin is an associate research professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Utah Water Research Laboratory at Utah State University. He is also an Associate Director with the Utah Climate Center.