We're started our coverage of Sundance with the documentary film E-TEAM. The film follows four human rights workers as they investigate war crimes in the world's most dangerous places. These abuses thrive on secrecy, and it's their job to gather evidence and make it known to the international community. Doug sat down with filmmaker Ross Kauffman and with team members Anna Neistat and Ole Solvang for a look at the lives of people who risk so much in the interest of justice. (Rebroadast)
- Due to technical difficulties, our conversation about the film ALIVE INSIDE is being postponed to Friday. In the meantime, you can watch an excerpt from the film at VideoWest. It features Henry, a 94-year-old man who lives in a nursing home in Brooklyn. It reveals the larger point to the film … that music is not only magic but can be a backdoor into the mind.
- E-TEAM screens Thursday night at 9:45 in Salt Lake City and Saturday afternoon at 2:30 in Park City. For tickets and information, click here.
- To listen to this show on-line, click here