The podcast, “Data Over Dogma,” is an exploration of what the Bible actually says — not what we think it says, or even what we want it to say, but what is in text itself. Beecher and McClellan explore the Holy Book without vitriol, debate or confrontation, and for them, that’s exactly the point. They’re more interested in the details of the Bible, even though they’ve found that the closer they look, the harder it can be to decipher them. The Dans — as we’ve taken to calling them — join us to talk about how to interpret and use one of the most influential books ever written.
- Dan Beecher | Co-host of the podcast: Data Over Dogma | @MrBeecher
- Dr. Dan McClellan | Co-host of the podcast: Data Over Dogma | @maklelan
Airdate: Friday, April 21, 2023 at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.