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Toby Wilkinson on Egypt’s King of Kings

Frans Vandewalle

The first known peace treaty was negotiated by Ramesses II, a pharaoh who came from a line of commoners and was the only Egyptian king known as “the Great”.

From a very young age, Ramesses the Great was groomed to be king. He was a ladies’ man from the get-go, a prolific builder who filled Egypt with monuments, and he lived to be 90 in a time when life expectancy was in the 30s … ruling for 66 years through the peak of ancient Egypt’s prosperity. This Friday at noon, we are joined by Egyptologist Toby Wilkinson to talk about the significance and impact of the “king of kings,” Ramesses II.


  • Toby Wilkinson | Egyptologist and author, his latest is “Ramesses the Great: Egypt’s King of Kings” BookShop | Amazon.

Airdate: Friday, May 26, 2023 at 12 p.m. and Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 11 a.m.

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