On winter weekends, traffic up Little Cottonwood Canyon can be backed up for miles with cars on their way to and from the slopes at Snowbird and Alta. The line of those tail lights has come to be called “the red snake.” Well, the Utah Department of Transportation has landed on its solution to the canyon’s bumper-to-bumper woes: The world’s longest gondola, with a cost upwards of a billion dollars. It’s a contentious decision, and we’ll talk about what led to it, how it would work and what could happen between now and then.
- Robert Gehrke, Columnist with The Salt Lake Tribune; @RobertGehrke
- Jacob Scholl, Reporter with The Salt Lake Tribune and Utah Public Radio; @Jacob_Scholl. You can find his reporting on the gondola here.
Friday, August 25, 2023 at 12 p.m. and Saturday, August 26, 2023 at 11 a.m.