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The Heat Will Kill You First

Author photo credit to Matt Valentine

Jeff Goodell knows a thing or two about the climate crisis. He’s been writing about it for years. But it didn’t become personal until the heat nearly killed him.

It was on a hike in Nicaragua that Goodell experienced the real danger — the bodily danger — posed by extreme temperatures. His heart rate shot up; he was expelling sweat at an alarming rate. He felt like his body was out of control. Thankfully, he was with a guide who got him to some shade. But it was a close call, and it changed the way he thought about global warming. For one thing, Goodell says, “warming” is way too gentle a way to put it. Jeff Goodell’s new book is about just how deadly heat itself can be, and what we can still do to slow down rising temperatures around the planet.


Jeff Goodell | Journalist and author. His latest book is called “The Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorched Planet” [Amazon|Bookshop].

Airdate: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.