Many of us have stories of paranormal events. Strange objects in the skies, ghosts at the old hotel. When Steve Volk was a kid, odd bumps echoed through his house at night. His sisters said their sheets were pulled from their beds while they slept and that an old woman walked through the closed door of their room. Inspired by the noise his family could never trace, Volk set out to explore the world of the paranormal. Doug talks to him on Thursday about his research in the field of fringeology.
Watch a trailer for Steve Volk's book, Fringeology:
Books and music from today's RadioWest:
- Fringe-ology: How I Tried to Explain Away the Unexplainable-And Couldn't by Steve Volk
- "Green Child (EP)" by Megafortress
- Station Direct, The Thirteenth Assembly