The TLC network aired a controversial reality show Sunday night featuring three LDS Utah couples in mixed-orientation marriages. That's when the husband or wife is attracted to members of the same sex but wants to be in a heterosexual relationship. While some critics say gay people in mixed-orientation marriages are denying their true identity to be accepted by their faith, people in the relationships say they're living the lifestyle of their choice. We'll hear from both sides on Monday.
- Dave Matheson is a writer and a psychotherapist at The Center for Gender Wholeness, an organization that offers therapy treatment to "men who experience unwanted homosexuality." He is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and in is a marriage that he says some would label a mixed-orientation relationship.
- Alan Miller was in a heterosexual marriage as a gay man for more than 20 years. He was a longtime active member of the LDS church and served as a former board member of the Utah Pride Center.
- Mitch Mayne is an openly gay, active Latter-Day Saint. He served in the bishopric of his ward in San Francisco as an openly gay member.
- John Dehlin is a PhD candidate in Psychology at Utah State University. His dissertation examines the experiences of LGBTQ Mormons and former Mormons.