Wednesday, we're talking about the art and the potency of editorial cartoons. Among our guests is Kevin "Kal" Kallaugher, who draws the world's major political figures for The Economist. He says when he sits down to create a piece, he's looking for the "weak spot" in a news story. It's that tension between what the public sees and what's really going on. He says his job isn't to make the audience laugh but to make them think. We'll talk with Kal and others about what makes a good cartoon and if it's possible to take it too far.
- Kevin "Kal" Kallaugher is celebrating 35 years with The Economist with the new book Daggers Drawn [Amazon/Indiebound]
- Steve Benson is a Utah native and cartoonist for The Arizona Republic
- Pat Bagley is editorial cartoonist for The Salt Lake Tribune.
Cartoons discussed in today's show:

June 27 - 29, The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists are holding their annual convention at The Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City. Public events include:
- Thursday, June 27 at 11:00 a.m. - "The Art of Controversy: Political Cartoons and their Enduring Power" by Victor Navasky of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism [Amazon/Indiebound]
- Thursday, June 27 at 6:30 p.m. - "Cartoonist Death Match" with Todd Zuniga at The Tavernacle Piano Bar
- Visit our calendar for quick glance at all the events
- For details and visit the AAEC here