Monday, we're talking about a group of activists who snuck onto factory farms in Utah to document the living conditions of pigs and turkeys. Their actions highlight the reality of industrial meat production and the debate over animal rights.

Last year, animal rights activists snuck onto factory farms in Utah to document the living conditions of turkeys and pigs. They say their findings show abusive treatment of the animals. Now, they face multiple felony charges for what the meat-processing company calls unethical and irresponsible behavior. Journalist Glenn Greenwald says the criminal case amounts to corporations using the justice system to settle scores. Monday, we’re talking about industrial meat production and the debate over animal rights.
- Glenn Greenwald is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist and a co-founder of The Intercept, an online news publication. He has reported extensively on animal rights activists' activities on factory farms in Utah and the legal cases against them.
- Wayne Hsiung is a co-founder of the animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere.
- Kevin Daniels is the Sanpete County Attorney handling the prosecution of Hsiung and four of his associates for their actions on a Norbest turkey farm in the county.