Earlier this week, Utah’s two leading newspapers, The Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News, announced historic changes that include the end of daily paper delivery and the break-up of their decades-long print collaboration.
According to one prominent industry observer, these are “big changes.” The end of print newspapers has been predicted for years, and as advertising revenue and subscriptions rates have diminished, so too has the size of the newspaper. More and more these days, readers get their news online. The Tribune and Deseret News both say these changes align their operations with where the readers and the money are going. This Friday at 11 a.m., we’ll ask what impact these changes could have on the communities the papers serve.
- Matthew LaPlante, associate professor of journalism at Utah State University | @mdlaplante. He is the author of Superlative: The Biology of Extremes. [Indie bookstores|Amazon|Audible]
- Tim Fitzpatrick, The Salt Lake Tribune executive vice president | @timmyfitz
- David Noyce, interim Editor of The Salt Lake Tribune | @sltribnoyce