Monday, we continue our Through the Lens documentary film series with "Hell and Back Again." Photojournalist Danfung Dennis was embedded with US Marines Echo Company in Afghanistan and his film is remarkable for its visual images. Dennis created a camera system that immerses viewers in the experience of war. But it's also the story of 25-year-old wounded Sergeant Nathan Harris and his struggle to return to the normalcy of home.Tuesday, December 6, RadioWest and the Utah Film Center will host a free screening of "Hell and Back Again" at the Salt Lake City Public Library. The event begins at 7:00 p.m. and director Danfung Dennis will be on hand for a panel discussion immediately following the film. [Details]
Danfung Dennis' Condition ONE app is available for your iPad. Download the app on the iTunes web store.
"Hell and Back Again" Trailer
Music from Today's RadioWest: