How do you measure a school's success? In Utah, we have two systems and a passionate debate about how each serves schools and students. One is School Grading, which gives easily understood A – F grades. The other is the Utah Comprehensive Accountability System, which proponents say is a more nuanced approach to measuring and facilitating improvement. Wednesday, we're talking about the role these and other accountability systems play in making education better.
What was your reaction to your schoo'ls grade? If you're a parent, what actions are you taking now that you've seen the grade? Do you want to move your child? Volunteer to help improve the school's performance? We're hoping to hear from you. Post in the discussion board, send an email to or call during the show 801-585-WEST (9378)
Haven't seen your school's assessment yet? You can look it up at
- Senator Wayne Niederhauser, Utah Senate President, School Grading
- Tami Pyfer, Utah State Board of Education, Transparency - Shining the Light on School Grading
- Diane Stark Rentner, Center on Education Policy, George Washington University