Monday, we're talking about our massive food waste problem. A full forty percent of food in America ends up in the trash. Activist Tristram Stuart joins us to talk about why we waste so much food and what we can and should do about it.

Just how much food do you figure we waste every year in the United States? It’s actually not that easy to calculate the figure, but the activist Tristram Stuart tried. He started by looking at how much food we have in the country and measured that against how much food we actually consume. By Stuart’s estimation, we’re wasting something like 40 percent of the food we produce. All that waste, he says, has some devastating costs. Stuart joins us Monday to talk about our food waste problem.
Tristram Stuart is the founder of Feedback, an environmental organization that campaigns to end food waste. He’s the author of the book Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Waste Scandal [Independent bookstores|Amazon]. He's also featured in a new documentary film Wasted! The Story of Food Waste, which is available for viewing on-demand via Amazon and iTunes.