Jaron Lanier, one of Silicon Valley's most influential figures, wants to convince you to delete your social media accounts. He has ten arguments for why you should do that. One of them: Social media is turning us all into jerks.

Jaron Lanier is a founding father of virtual reality, and he’s kind of a big deal in the tech world. So, it may come as a surprise to learn that he doesn’t use social media, one of Silicon Valley’s most important creations. He wants to convince you to quit social media, too. Advertisers and big corporations, he says, use Facebook and other platforms to manipulate you, to change your behavior, and you don’t even know it. He joins us to offer ten arguments for deleting your social media accounts.
Jaron Lanier is a scientist, a musician, and one of the founding fathers of the field of virtual reality. He's the author of several books. His newest is Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now [Indie bookstores|Amazon|Audible].