Instead of twice a year, LDS missionaries can now call, video chat, message or text once a week. Tuesday, we’re talking about it and we want to hear from you. Do you think the change is good?

The LDS Church recently announced a change to how much their young missionaries can talk to family back home. It used to be you could only call twice a year, with weekly emails or letters. Now, missionaries can call, video chat, message or text once a week. Is this healthier? Can you “forget yourself and go to work” if you’re in such close contact with family? Tuesday, we’re talking about the change, and we want to hear from you. Do you think it’s a good idea? Leave us a message at 801-585-9214, email us, or leave a comment below.
- KUER's Lee Hale
- Mormon blogger and podcaster Jenny Noonan Dye.
- Therapist Aimee Heffernan
- Historian Patrick Mason