Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi has new a book that he describes as an “insider’s guide to the pressures at work in media." He says we’re exploiting people’s desire to root for their own team and hate the rest. (Rebroadcast)

Friday, we’re asking why it is you might hate the media. Not why you hate journalism, but the system that’s supposed to deliver the journalism. Our guest is Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi. He’s written a book that he describes as an “insider’s guide to the pressures at work in media,” and he’s pretty critical. He says we’re basically exploiting people’s desire to root for their own team and hate the rest. Taibbi’s book is called Hate, Inc. (Rebroadcast)
Matt Taibbi is a contributing editor to Rolling Stone Magazine. His book is called Hate, Inc.: How, And Why, The Press Makes Us Hate One Another. You can read it, and be updated as new chapters come out, by subscribing at Taibbi's Substack page. It will be published as a physical book by OR Books later this year.