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Jellyfish and the Art of Growing a Backbone

Allie Jones via CC/Flickr, https://bit.ly/2JmHz3R

Tuesday, we're talking about jellyfish. Chances are you've never given them a second thought. The science writer Juli Berwald gets it, but she loves them. She's written a new book about how complicated and beautiful they are.

RadioWest divider.


Chances are you’ve never given jellyfish a second thought. The science writer Juli Berwald gets it. They’re not cuddly, they just bob along in the ocean, and they sting. Nevertheless, she loves them. In fact, she’s so fascinated, she’s written a book about how complicated they are, how beautiful. To her, they’re like aquatic angels, with a  demonic side: that sting. Studying jellyfish and writing about them even helped Berwald grow a spine of her own. She joins us Tuesday to talk about it. (Rebroadcast)

Juli Berwald has written for National Georaphic MagazineOceanus, and Wired.com. She's the author of the book Spineless: The Science of Jellyfish and the Art of Growing a Backbone [Indie bookstores|Amazon|Audible].

Doug Fabrizio has been reporting for KUER News since 1987, and became News Director in 1993. In 2001, he became host and executive producer of KUER's RadioWest, a one hour conversation/call-in show on KUER 90.1 in Salt Lake City. He has gained a reputation for his thoughtful style. He has interviewed everyone from Isabel Allende to the Dalai Lama, and from Madeleine Albright to Desmond Tutu. His interview skills landed him a spot as a guest host of the national NPR program, "Talk of the Nation." He has won numerous awards for his reporting and for his work with RadioWest and KUED's Utah NOW from such organizations as the Society of Professional Journalists, the Utah Broadcasters Association, the Public Radio News Directors Association and the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.