Governor Gary Herbert has made clear his opinion that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. His official actions have reflected that opinion in the weeks since a federal judge struck down Utah’s Amendment 3. Thursday the governor joins us to discuss the state’s stance on same-sex marriage. We’ll also talk with a panel of guests about the growing evidence that public opinion regarding same-sex marriage is changing, both nationally and here in Utah. We want to hear from you: Has your opinion of same-sex marriage changed in the last decade? And if so, why?
- Governor Gary Herbert is the governor of the State of Utah.
- Brooke Adams is a reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune, covering the federal court and breaking news. She's published numerous articles about gay marriage in Utah since District Judge Robert Shelby struck down Utah's Amendment 3.
- Scott Barclay is Williams Senior Scholar of Public Policy at the Williams Institute - UCLA, where he focuses on LGBT public opinion-related research.