Utahns are trying to get six initiatives onto the 2018 ballot. Monday, we’re talking about these measures and the tension they inject into the process of making Utah’s laws.

This year, Utahns are circulating six petitions to bypass the Legislature and enact laws on issues like redistricting, medical marijuana, and education funding. BYU scholar David Magleby says this is remarkable because initiatives aren’t really part of our political culture. It’s hard to get them on the ballot, and lawmakers often find ways to stymie them. Monday, we’re talking about these ballot measures and the tension they inject into the process of making Utah’s laws.
- David Magleby, Professor of Political Science, Brigham Young University and author of Direct Legislation: Voting on Ballot Propositions in the United States [Indie bookstores|Amazon]
- Robert Gehrke is News Columnist for the Salt Lake Tribune. His column
The Legislature shouldn’t meddle with voters who have taken matters into their own hands appeared February 8, 2018