We’re talking RBG, aka Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, with filmmakers Betsy West and Julie Cohen. Their new documentary opens Friday in Salt Lake City theaters.

Friday, we’re talking Notorious RBG, aka Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. RBG is also the name of a new documentary opening in Salt Lake City. Filmmakers Betsy West and Julie Cohen join Doug to explain how Ginsburg has become a cultural icon and how over the course of her career she used the law to give equal rights to women. The film is also a deeply personal look at Ginsburg’s drive and passions. [Rebroadcast]
- RBG opens Friday at Broadway Centre Cinemas in downtown Salt Lake City. It runs through May 24. You can find showtimes and buy tickets at saltlakefilmsociety.org. It's also playing at Century 16 on 3300 South and State Street.
- RBG premiered at this year's Sundance Film Festival.