Scrupulosity is basically religious OCD. Those who suffer it experience incredible anxiety and guilt about how well they uphold their faith’s tenets, rituals and moral values. The psychologist Debra Theobald McClendon says that, although the obsession of scrupulosity is religious or spiritual, it isn’t actually a spiritual or religious problem. In other words, religion doesn’t cause it; anxiety does. But other experts don't agree with her take. We'll talk about scrupulosity, where it comes from, who suffers from it, and who's responsible for addressing it.
- Michael Austin | Mormon blogger at By Common Consent
- Debra Theobald McClendon | Clinical Psychologist and member of the International OCD Foundation. Her book: “Freedom from Scrupulosity: Reclaiming Your Religious Experience from Anxiety and OCD” will be released this fall.
- Chris Miller | Assistant professor with the college of science and mathematics at Fresno State University
Airdate: Friday, July 14, 2023 at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.