Wednesday, we’re talking about Julius Caesar. You can probably guess why we’re having the conversation. A New York production of Shakespeare’s work recently caused a stir when the play’s director made Julius Caesar look a lot like Donald Trump. The problem is of course that Caesar gets assassinated. So, we’re talking about Julius Caesar the man, Shakespeare’s play, and the relationship between art and politics.
- Cecilia Peek is an Associate Professor of Classics and Ancient History at Brigham Young University.
- Andrew Hartley is the Robinson Distinguished Professor of Shakespeare Studies and the editor of Julius Caesar: A Critical Reader [Indie bookstores|Amazon] and Julius Caesar (Shakespeare in Performance Series) [Indie bookstores|Amazon]
- Brian Vaughn is artistic director of Utah Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City, Utah.
Other Resources
- Read The Folger Digital Text of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar on-line. Or if you prefer the Bard on paper, Shakespeare scholar John Coe edited this Broadview edition [Indie bookstores|Amazon]
- Listening more to your taste? Try Julius Caesar: The Arkangel Shakespeare audible book [Audible]
- For more about the life and politics of ancient Rome see Mary Beard, SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome [Indie bookstores|Amazon|Audible]
- For a biography, try Julius Caesar from Robert Garland. [Indie bookstores|Amazon]