Last week, MormonLeaks released a recording of a woman confronting an LDS missionary leader she said tried to rape her. We’re talking about what the Church is or isn’t doing to protect its own.

Last week, the whistle-blowing group MormonLeaks released a recording of a woman confronting the man she said tried to rape her at the LDS Church’s Missionary Training Center. The story was especially shocking because the man was then President of the MTC. It’s a position with significant power and influence over young, faithful Mormons. Tuesday, we’re talking about how the Church and its members are reacting and what Mormon leaders are or aren’t doing to protect their own.
- Lee Hale, KUER religion reporter
- Angela Clayton, LDS blogger at By Common Consent and at Wheats & Tares
- Lindsay Hansen Park, Acting Director of Sunstone and host of the podcast Year of Polygamy. She also blogs at Patheos
- Natasha Helfer Parker is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Certified Sex Therapist. She's president of the Mormon Mental Health Association and hosts the Mormon Mental Health Podcast