What do we expect from our virtual assistants and what happens when we let them be teacher, therapist, and friend? Journalist Judith Shulevitz joins us to talk about how much we should trust Alexa.

Journalist Judith Shulevitz realized something strange was happening when she confessed to Alexa that she was lonely. Shulevitz says that’s something she wouldn’t even say aloud to husband, and it brought up a lot of questions about our relationship with artificial intelligence. What exactly do we expect our virtual assistants to do for us and what happens to our brains when we let them be teacher, therapist, and friend? Shulevitz joins us Wednesday to talk about how much we should trust Alexa.
Read Judith Shulevitz's article Alexa, Can We Trust You? in the November issue of The Atlantic.
Watch the demo video of Google's Duplex. In our conversation, Shulevitz explained the questions raised by a virtual assistant that can call restaurants and hair dressers and interact with humans without the human knowing they're talking to a machine.