When you think about Darrell Hammond, you probably think of the impressions he did on Saturday Night Live, not the childhood abuse he suffered at the hands of his mother. Director Michelle Esrick’s new film, Cracked Up, tells Hammond’s story of trauma, repressed memory and recovery.

When you think about the comedian Darrell Hammond, you probably think of the impressions he did on Saturday Night Live during the ‘90s and 2000s. His Bill Clinton imitation sounded more like the former president than even Clinton himself. But you might not associate Hammond with some of the most pivotal experiences of his life: the abuses his mother inflicted upon him when he was a child. Director Michelle Esrick’s new film, Cracked Up, tells Hammond’s story of trauma, repressed memory and recovery.
We're screening Cracked Up on Wednesday, Oct. 30, at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center. Details here.
You can listen to director Michelle Esrick's Ted Talk about making the film Cracked Up here.
Michelle Esrick, award-winning documentary filmmaker of, most recently, Cracked Up.
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, psychiatrist, author and educator. He is the author of, most recently,
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.