Nature writer Gary Ferguson was canoeing with his wife when they capsized, and she died in the accident. He joins us to talk about spreading her ashes across 5 wild places and finding grace in nature.

Thursday, nature writer Gary Ferguson shares his story of rediscovering life and joy after a deeply personal tragedy. In 2005, he and his wife Jane were canoeing the rapids of the Kopka River in Canada, when they crashed into a rock and capsized. Jane died in that accident, but she had left Gary with a request to spread her ashes across 5 wild places she loved. Gary Ferguson is in Utah this week and joins us to talk about the grace he found in the wilderness.
Gary Ferguson is speaking Friday evening, February 23rd at Weber Pathways' 15th annual Author Dinner in Ogden. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. and tickets are available for purchase online at or by calling 801-393-2304. NO tickets will be available at the door.
Weber Pathways is an environmental non-profit focused on trails and open spaces in Weber County, Utah.
Gary Ferguson's book is called The Carry Home: Lessons From the American Wilderness [Indie bookstores|Amazon|Audible]. He's also the author of Land on Fire: The New Reality of Wildfire in the West. He joined us last year to talk about it.