Fridays from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.
A show for the wildly curious. Doug Fabrizio explores the world through in-depth conversations with writers, filmmakers, scientists, thinkers and others. From KUER in Salt Lake City.
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In 2021, unmarked graves were discovered at several residential boarding schools in Canada. Then, investigations began.
It’s been a year of politics and constant news. Now, it’s time to sit back and relax over the holidays with a good book — and grab a few for your friends.
For many of us, cooking is an annoying, boring chore. But the food writer Bee Wilson says there’s a simple secret to an easier life in the kitchen, and it begins with the person who cooks.
More than 400 years ago this month, a group of English protestants—separatists from the Church of England—landed in the New World in search of religious freedom. But what did freedom really mean to these pilgrims?
If you want to get to the roots of horror in America, you have to go way back. Back to slavery, back to Salem, back to the colonization of the New World.
In 1977, Randy Bachman was a rock star. Then the guitar with which he’d written hits like “American Woman” and “Takin’ Care of Business” was stolen.
During the 1800s, the Victorians had the natural world pretty much figured out, or so they thought. Then a 12-year-old discovered the first dinosaur tracks.
In 1740, the Wager set sail from England in search of Spanish treasure. Just about everything that could go wrong did go wrong.
The author Katherine Rundell didn’t believe in love at first sight until she met a pangolin. The encounter with the anteater-like creature made her curious about other endangered animals, and now, she wants us to notice more of these exquisite creatures.
When you read this, it’s likely either Election Day or the morning after. We’re going live to talk about what we know and what’s still to come.