wildly curious
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  • Twins have captivated the human mind since ancient times. But often what’s imagined of them reveals more about everyone else than it does about real twin life.
  • Twins have captivated the human mind since ancient times. But often what’s imagined of them reveals more about everyone else than it does about real twin life.
  • Navied Mahdavian had always been a city guy. He had never fished, gardened, hiked, hunted or lived in a snowy place. Then he, his wife and dog moved from San Francisco to an off-the-grid cabin in rural Idaho.
  • Polyamory is having a bit of a moment right now. We wanted to learn more about the history of having more than one romantic partner.
  • Polyamory is having a bit of a moment right now. We wanted to learn more about the history of having more than one romantic partner.