The poet and journalist Melissa Bond had terrible insomnia. Her doctor prescribed Ativan, a benzodiazepine. Then her life fell apart.
The poet and journalist Melissa Bond had terrible insomnia. Her doctor prescribed Ativan, a benzodiazepine. Then her life fell apart.
Wednesday, we’re talking to scholar Eugenia Cheng about how logical reasoning – complemented by our emotions – can transform the way we think about our…
Around our 40s, there's a feeling of malaise and discontentment that can hit us all, even when we're at the top of our game. It turns out it is part of a…
Plastics. They’ve changed medicine, transportation, and food and water safety. But they've also become a global headache. There's more than six billion…
Friday, we’re talking about some of the weirdest ways we’ve tried to cure our bodies and minds through the ages. Doctor and author Lydia Kang is our guide…
What do we expect from our virtual assistants and what happens when we let them be teacher, therapist, and friend? Journalist Judith Shulevitz joins us to…
The 1995 reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone was controversial, and added more fuel to the blazing feud between conservationists and the ranchers and…
Tuesday, science writer Carl Zimmer joins us to talk about the power of heredity. The traits we share with our parents or kids, how does that work…
Artificial light devours energy, disrupts our sleep patterns, and has even been linked to cancer. Yet eight in ten Americans born today won't ever live…
Nearly 80 percent of American adults are clinically overweight or obese. Journalist Michael Hobbes says the medical community has responded to this crisis…
A lot of people hate bugs, but even most bug haters have a soft spot for bees. The biologist Thor Hanson has written a new book that explores the natural…